Chamber music master class by Imre Rohmann
23 March 2016
The Weiner Leó Chamber Music Competition's head of jury will be holding a master class for students of the Liszt Academy and the groups after the competition.
József Vajda – obituary
5 March 2016
The Liszt-prize winning bassoonist, József Vajda died at the age of 68 on 29 Febrary.
Liszt Academy Consistory members appointed
28 February 2016
Members of the Liszt Academy Consistory: Mrs. Dr. Béres József Károly, member of the board of Béres Gyógyszertár Zrt., Márton Devich, editor in chief of Duna Médiaszolgáltató Nonprofit Zrt., and László Gőz, trombonist and founder of the Budapest Music Center.