Information for Students Starting the Academic Year 2024/25

general information for all students

Dear Students,

Here you can find relevant information that may be useful for starting your first semester at the Liszt Academy.  

Extensive guide about studying at the Liszt Academy and living in Hungary

Information regarding the 2024/25 academic year's plans and schedules of the orchestra

Information regarding the compulsory Choir subject.

Information regarding the education of chamber music and string quartet classes. 

We are kindly asking all of you to read the above material, because at the time of the enrolment you will have to sign that you agree to and acknowledge their contents.

All important information regarding your studies can be found on our website under 'For Students': news regarding your studies, curriculum, request forms, academic rules and regulations, information about instrument rental, practice room booking, and many more.

We encourage our students to create professional social media profiles on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok (if they do not already have one). It is preferable if the names of the profiles include the instrument, e.g. violinhope (Daniel Hope's Instagram) or alexandra.balog.pianist (Alexandra Balog's Instagram).

Please tag the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in the videos you post (at least 1 per week is recommended, but 1 per day is the key to rapid growth) and even send collab invitations to the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music channels and follow them.  Reels are ranked higher by the algorithm, so we recommend sharing this type of content in particular. Excellent videos of home and university rehearsals, practice sessions, concerts, etc. can also be produced „in-house” but the official recordings in the concert halls are also an option. Of course, photos are a good complement to build the student's brand as well.


Facebook Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music: 

Facebook LFZE: 



Tik Tok: 


Our alumni page: 


For questions about our social media presence and possible collaborations, please contact our colleague:

Bence Stanik (social media strategy and management): stanik [dot] bence [at] zeneakademia [dot] hu