Student of the Liszt Academy won yet another competition
9 March 2021
Ildikó Rozsonits, who studies in the School for Exceptional Young Talents of the Liszt Academy, became the absolute winner in her age group in a competition in Spain.
9 March 2021
Ildikó Rozsonits, who studies in the School for Exceptional Young Talents of the Liszt Academy, became the absolute winner in her age group in a competition in Spain.
4 March 2021
Aurés Moussong won the composition competition at the Festival Expresiones Contemporáneas (FEC) in Mexico with his piece Magma written for solo contrabassoon.
3 March 2021
The unique series of sheet music, complete with an analysis, published by violinist Márta Ábrahám, professor of the Liszt Academy and composer Barnabás Dukay, former lecturer of the institution, is bound to turn a new page in both interpretation and scientific works.
22 February 2021
Máté Balogh won third place at the 2nd Impronta Ensemble Composition Competition in Mannheim with his string quartet Der Rhein am Tomasee (The Rhine at Tomasee).
22 February 2021
This year, Dr. Csaba Kutnyánszky begins his third term as head of the Conducting Department at the Liszt Academy. Although the implementation of his new plans is hampered by the epidemic for the time being, he and his colleagues hope that academic life will soon return to normal for students, who are particularly hard hit by the confinement.
18 February 2021
Violinist Vilmos Szabadi, associate professor at the Liszt Academy, to hold online classes for two months at the invitation of the Singapore Violin Festival.
17 February 2021
The Gustav Mahler Research Center has been established by the University of Innsbruck and the Gustav Mahler "Euregio" Cultural Centre in Italy. Lóránt Péteri, head of the Musicology Department at the Liszt Academy, also became a member of the advisory board of the institution established in Toblach.
16 February 2021
Anyone can participate in the photo competition launched today by the network of places honoured with the European Heritage Label (EHL @ N), first prize winners get 500 euros.
15 February 2021
Terveiről kérdeztük Bacsó Kristófot, a Zeneakadémia Jazz Tanszékének frissen kinevezett tanszékvezetőjét.
11 February 2021
On the modified procedures and tasks in connection with the measures regarding the decrease of the risks regarding the spreading of the coronavirus
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