Kaczmarczyk, Adrienne Musicology Department Aesthetics, Latin, Paleography, Propaedeutics

Kádár, Mihály Composition Department Developing Vocal Timbre Through Solfège, Digital Orchestration and Recording

Káel, Norbert Keyboard and Harp Department Improvisation

Káli-Fonyódi, Fruzsina Woodwind and Brass Department Oboe as Main Subject

Dr. Kamp, Salamon Conducting Department, Doctoral School Choral Conducting DLA Seminar, Choral Conducting Main Subjects, Church Music Repertoire, Foreing Language and Music Seminar, Orchestral Conducting (Oratorio)

Kapás, Géza Strings Department Strings Methodology, Violin as Main Subject, Violin Teaching Methodology

Kardos, Péterné Department of Teacher Education Cello Teaching Methodology on Secondary Level

Kautzky, Armand Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Diction

Kecskés, Balázs Keyboard and Harp Department, School for Exceptional Young Talents Piano as Main Subject, Piano Methodology, Piano Teaching Methodology

Kecskés D., Balázs Composition Department Classical Composition Practice as Main Subject, Classical Composition Techniques, Composition, Formal Analysis

Kelemen, Barnabás Strings Department Violin as Main Subject

Kemenes, András Keyboard and Harp Department Methodology of Piano Performance, Piano as Main Subject, Piano Teaching Methodology

Kereskedő, Tamás Keyboard and Harp Department, School for Exceptional Young Talents Piano

Kerestes, Szabolcs Composition Department Electronic Music Media Subjects

Dr. Keresztes, Nóra Kodály Institute Choral Conducting, Music Theory, Solfège

Kertesi, Ingrid Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Classical Singing as Main Subject

Kertész, Ottó Strings Department Cello as Main Subject, Study of Orchestral Parts

Kertész, Krisztián Composition Department Interactive Media

Kertész, Csaba Department of Teacher Education Introduction to Music Therapy, Trends in Music Pedagogy in the 20th and 21st Century

Kertész, István School for Exceptional Young Talents, Strings Department Violin as Main Subject

Kéry, Tamás Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Piano Accompanist

Kéry, János Keyboard and Harp Department Piano

Kirsch , János Department of Teacher Education Trumpet Teaching Methodology on Secondary Level

Kiss, Péter Chamber Music Department, School for Exceptional Young Talents Chamber Music

Kiss, Ágota Department of Teacher Education Flute Teaching Methodology on Primary Level

Kiss, Katalin Kodály Institute Choral Conducting, Music Theory, Solfège

Kiss-B., Attila Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Classical Singing as Main Subject

Dr. Klézli, János Conducting Department, Kodály Institute Voice Pedagogy, Voice Production Techniques

Kocsis, Csaba Church Music Department Hymnology, Serving in Liturgy

Kohán, István Department of Teacher Education Clarinet Teaching Methodology on Primary Level

Kokas, Dóra Strings Department Cello as Main Subject

Kollman Urbán, Orsolya Jazz Department Jazz Singing as Main Subject

Komlós, Katalin Doctoral School, Music Theory Department History of Music Theory, Music Theory DLA Seminar, Musicology PhD Seminar

Kompár-Rőmer, Judit Folk Music Department Folk Music Theory

Dr. Koncsek, Andrea Department of Teacher Education Introduction to Pedagogical Communication, Personality and Development

Konkoly , Csenge Folk Music Department Folk Singing as Main Subject, Repertoire Studies

Kovács, Imre Flute as Main Subject

Kovács, Zoltán Musicology Department Aesthetics, Cultural History, Ethics, History of Philosophy

Kovács, Sándor Doctoral School, Musicology Department History of Western Music, Musicology PhD Seminar

Kovalszki, Mária School for Exceptional Young Talents, Strings Department Piano Accompanist

Kováts, Péter Strings Department Chamber Music, Orchestra, String Quartet, Violin as Main Subject

Könyves, Klaudia Department of Teacher Education Music History Teaching Methodology on Primary and Secondary Level

Dr. Körmendy, Zsolt Department of Teacher Education Career Prospects for Teachers, Music Mediation and Music Pedagogy, Trends in Music Pedagogy in the 20th and 21st Century

Környei, Zsófia Strings Department Study of Orchestral Parts, Violin as Main Subject

Körösvölgyi, Zoltán Musicology Department Art History, Artistic Management

Körösy, Miklós Department of Teacher Education Oboe Teaching Methodology on Secondary Level

Körtvési, Katalin Department of Teacher Education, Kodály Institute Choral Conducting, Continuo, Music Theory, Pedagogical Theories of Klára Kokas, Solfège

Kubina, Péter Strings Department Classical Double Bass as Main Subject, Study of Orchestral Parts

Kusz, Veronika Doctoral School Musicology PhD Seminar

Dr. Kutnyánszky, Csaba Conducting Department Conducting Technique as Main Subject