Sőrés, ZsoltComposition DepartmentAnalysis of Film Soundtracks, Electronic Music Notation, Scores
Spányi, MiklósKeyboard and Harp DepartmentHarpsichord, Harpsichord as Main Subject, Historical Performance Practice
Stachó, LászlóDepartment of Teacher Education, Doctoral SchoolCultural History and Foreign Language Seminar, Foreing Language and Music Seminar, Music Psychology and Practice Methodology, Performing Arts History, Researcher, Special Elective Courses
Suki, AndrásKeyboard and Harp Department, School for Exceptional Young TalentsPiano
Szabady, IldikóWoodwind and Brass DepartmentFlute as Main Subject
Dr. Szabó, Ferenc JánosDepartment of Vocal and Opera StudiesOratorio and Lied History, Piano Accompanist, Study of Musical Styles in Opera
Szabó, MagdolnaDepartment of Teacher EducationSinging Teaching Methodology on Primary and Secondary Level
Szabó, BalázsDoctoral School, Keyboard and Harp DepartmentHistory and Construction of Organs, Organ as Main Subject, Organ DLA Seminar, Organology, Repertoire Studies
Szabó, JuditChamber Music Department, School for Exceptional Young TalentsChamber Music, String Quartet
Szabó, TerézWoodwind and Brass DepartmentPiano Accompanist
Szabó, SándorDepartment of Teacher EducationTrombone Teaching Methodology on Secondary Level
Szabó, BarnaKodály Institute, Music Theory DepartmentAnalysis, Composition, Music Theory, Orchestration, Solfège, Transposing and Score Reading
Szabó, OrsolyaDepartment of Teacher Education, Kodály InstituteMusic is Your Body, Piano
Szabó, DánielFolk Music DepartmentFolk Cimbalom as Main Subject, Folk Music Theory (Dialectology), Knowledge of Ethnographic Sources, Repertoire Studies, Teaching Methodology
Szalai, AndrásChamber Music Department, Keyboard and Harp DepartmentChamber Music, Cimbalom as Main Subject
Dr. Szarka, EmeseDepartment of Teacher EducationKnowledge of Native Language, Teaching Profession
Dr. Szatmári, ZsoltSchool for Exceptional Young Talents, Woodwind and Brass DepartmentClarinet as Main Subject
Székely, BalázsKodály InstituteComposition, Piano Accompaniment, Score Reading