Salamon, György Gábor Woodwind and Brass Department Bass Clarinet

Dr. Sándor, Szabolcs Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Piano Accompanist

Sárosi, Istvánné School for Exceptional Young Talents, Strings Department Piano Accompanist

Sebő, Ferenc Folk Music Department Repertoire Studies

Seleljo, Erzsébet Woodwind and Brass Department Classical Saxophone as Main Subject, Study of Orchestral Parts, Technical Possibilities of Instruments

Serei, Zsolt Composition Department Composition Main Subjects

Simai, László Department of Teacher Education Trumpet Teaching Methodology on Primary Level

Simon, Izabella School for Exceptional Young Talents Piano as Main Subject

Sipos, Soma Mihály Kodály Institute Kodály's Work, Music History

Dr. Solymosi Tari, Emőke Musicology Department History of Western Music

Somfai, László Doctoral School, Musicology Department Music History Research as Main Subject, Musicology PhD Seminar

Somogyi, Péter Strings Department Study of Orchestral Parts, Violin as Main Subject

Somos, János Csaba Conducting Department Choir, Choral Conducting as Main Subject, Conducting Technique as Main Subject

Somos, András Jazz Department Classical Flute

Soós, Orsolya Strings Department Piano Accompanist

Sőrés, Zsolt Composition Department Analysis of Film Soundtracks, Electronic Music Notation, Scores

Spányi, Miklós Keyboard and Harp Department Harpsichord, Harpsichord as Main Subject, Historical Performance Practice

Stachó, László Department of Teacher Education, Doctoral School Cultural History and Foreign Language Seminar, Foreing Language and Music Seminar, Music Psychology and Practice Methodology, Performing Arts History, Researcher, Special Elective Courses

Suki, András Keyboard and Harp Department, School for Exceptional Young Talents Piano

Szabadi, Vilmos Strings Department Violin as Main Subject

Szabady, Ildikó Woodwind and Brass Department Flute as Main Subject

Dr. Szabó, Ferenc János Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Oratorio and Lied History, Piano Accompanist, Study of Musical Styles in Opera

Szabó, Magdolna Department of Teacher Education Singing Teaching Methodology on Primary and Secondary Level

Szabó, Balázs Doctoral School, Keyboard and Harp Department History and Construction of Organs, Organ as Main Subject, Organ DLA Seminar, Organology, Repertoire Studies

Szabó, Judit Chamber Music Department, School for Exceptional Young Talents Chamber Music, String Quartet

Szabó, Teréz Woodwind and Brass Department Piano Accompanist

Szabó, Sándor Department of Teacher Education Trombone Teaching Methodology on Secondary Level

Szabó, Barna Kodály Institute, Music Theory Department Analysis, Composition, Music Theory, Orchestration, Solfège, Transposing and Score Reading

Szabó, István Doctoral School Percussion DLA Seminar

Szabó, Marcell Woodwind and Brass Department Répétiteur

Szabó, Orsolya Department of Teacher Education, Kodály Institute Music is Your Body, Piano

Szabó, Dániel Folk Music Department Folk Cimbalom as Main Subject, Folk Music Theory (Dialectology), Knowledge of Ethnographic Sources, Repertoire Studies, Teaching Methodology

Szalai, András Chamber Music Department, Keyboard and Harp Department Chamber Music, Cimbalom as Main Subject

Dr. Szarka, Emese Department of Teacher Education Knowledge of Native Language, Teaching Profession

Dr. Szatmári, Zsolt School for Exceptional Young Talents, Woodwind and Brass Department Clarinet as Main Subject

Székely, Balázs Kodály Institute Composition, Piano Accompaniment, Score Reading

Szelényi Holló, Mariann Department of Vocal and Opera Studies Piano Accompanist

Szenthelyi, Miklós Strings Department Violin as Main Subject

Szenthelyi, Judit School for Exceptional Young Talents, Strings Department Piano Accompanist

Szentpáli, Roland Woodwind and Brass Department Tuba as Main Subject

Szesztay, Zsuzsa Music Theory Department, School for Exceptional Young Talents Solfège and Music Theory

Szigeti, Péter Jazz Department Prosody (in English)

Szigetvári, Andrea Composition Department Composition as Main Subject, Electronic Composition as Main Subject

Szilágyi, Boglárka Folk Music Department Folk Music, Folk Music Theory, Music Notation, Solfège and Music Theory, Teaching Methodology

Szilvay, Csaba Kodály Institute Cello, Chamber Music, Colourstrings Methodology

Szirányi, Borbála Department of Teacher Education, Kodály Institute Primary School Music Teaching Methodology

Szlama, László Folk Music Department Chamber Music, Folk Zither and Cobza as Main Subject, Repertoire Studies, Teaching Methodology

Szőke, Zoltán Woodwind and Brass Department Horn as Main Subject