Dr. Vigh, AndreaDoctoral School, Keyboard and Harp DepartmentChamber Music, Harp as Main Subject, Harp DLA Seminar, Methodology
Vikárius, LászlóDoctoral School, Kodály Institute, Musicology DepartmentBéla Bartók's Oeuvre, Music History Research as Main Subject, PhD Seminar, Urtext
Virág, EmeseDepartment of Vocal and Opera StudiesPiano Accompanist
Virágh, András GáborMusic Theory DepartmentSolfège and Music Theory, Transposing and Score Reading
Vitályos, BalázsSchool for Exceptional Young TalentsPiano Accompanist
Vizeli, BalázsFolk Music DepartmentFolk Violin as Main Subject, Repertoire Studies, Teaching Methodology