Rajk, Judit Church Music Department, Kodály Institute Classical Singing, Early Baroque Liturgical Songs, Voice Production Techniques

Rápli, Györgyi Department of Teacher Education Solfège and Primary School Music Teaching Methodology on Primary Level

Ratkó, Ágnes Keyboard and Harp Department Chamber Music, Continuo, Harpsichord, Harpsichord as Main Subject, Historical Systems of Tuning

Razvaljajeva, Anasztaszija Keyboard and Harp Department Chamber Music, Harp as Main Subject

Regály, György Jazz Department Piano

Réti, Balázs Keyboard and Harp Department Piano as Main Subject

Rohmann, Ditta Strings Department Cello as Main Subject

Romos, Zsolt Department of Teacher Education, Woodwind and Brass Department Flute as Main Subject, Flute Teaching Methodology on Secondary Level, Methodology of Flute Performance

Rónaszéki, Tamás Chamber Music Department, Strings Department Chamber Music, String Quartet, Study of Orchestral Parts

Rozmán, Lajos Kodály Institute Chamber Music, Contemporary Music Practice

Ruppert, István Keyboard and Harp Department Chamber Music, Organ as Main Subject, Repertoire Studies